Many of you have reached out to us in the past few days upon hearing of the terrible massacre at the Garissa University. We appreciate and thank you for your concern and want to assure you that we take every precaution to remain safe. Every Monday morning, we receive an NGO security briefing alerting us to any recent crime in our area and violence or rumors of violence throughout Kenya and the neighboring countries. We take these briefings seriously.
For example, we wanted to experience the Kenyan beaches over the Easter holiday, as our office was closed for a few days. We had heard that Lamu is beautiful, but we also had heard of security concerns along the coast. We reached out to various people who have contacts with security officials to confirm that traveling to Lamu would be ok. They advised us that Lamu would be fine, but suggested we stay at a smaller, boutique hotel, instead of one of the more popular ones, which we did.
Even though there were rumors of potential violence at colleges in Kenya, obviously (and unfortunately), that didn't prevent the tragedy that occurred. Can I promise that nothing else will happen while we're here--of course not. Given the craziness of the world these days, no one anywhere can. I wish I could say otherwise. Just know that we are careful and together 95% of the day.
Upcoming events: We're off to Karamoja, a region in northeastern Uganda for two weeks next Sunday to work on some development projects. Don will be providing business and financial advice to small businesses and pastoralists in the region. I expect to write some success stories.
On April 30, we leave Nairobi, and after a one-day stopover in Istanbul to see friends, we return to DC for two weeks. We are very excited to see everyone, including our three grandsons, two of whom we have not yet met.
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